The Hunt for Pink October

Image  The whole month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  My goal is to wear PINK everyday this month.  So far, so good.  Two days left in the month and I have two clean PINK shirts waiting their turn.  Last Wednesday was “Think Pink” day at my work.  The committee did an amazing job of organizing booths and a silent auction.  I wanted to do something a little more special on this day, hence the PINK hair.  It was fun.
I must say that every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was a bit taken aback.  I wish I had the huevos to shave my head in support, but I don’t, so PINK hair it is.

I do this to honor all the brave women who have and are battling cancer.  Mom, Dolores, Sue, Marylin, Gina, and all those un-named.

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Fun and easy recipe from Cousin MaryAnn

I had an amazing trip to DisneyWorld a few years back with two of my wonderful cousins.  We had the best time together.  It was like a 10 day slumber party for 50 plus year olds.  Cousin MaryAnn made us a tasty and easy breakfast with very little dishes to do afterwords.  OH yea!

This works great !!!Good when you’re alone or when all your family is together.Best feature is that no one has to wait for their special omelet !!!Have guests write their name on a quart-size Ziploc freezer bag with permanent marker.

– Crack 2 eggs into the quart size Ziploc bag (not more than 3) shake to combine them.

– Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham,onion, green pepper, tomato, hash browns, salsa, etc.

– Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shake.

– Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up.

– Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for
exactly 13 minutes.You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot. For more, make another pot of boiling water.

– Cut the bags and the omelet will roll out easily. Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.

– Nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake; everyone gets involved in the process and a great conversation piece.

Imagine having these ready the night before, and putting the bag in
boiling water while you get ready. And in 13 minutes, you have a nice omelet for a quick breakfast!!!

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Christmas Mystery


The holidays are a time of family and tradition.  My mother started a tradition 60 years ago that I am in the process of continuing for the newest members of my family.  I have a new daughter-in-law and two new son-in-laws.  This year, to really welcome them into our family, I am making them something special.  Something my mother made for me, my three brothers, and then for our spouses and our children.

My son-in-law, Ewan, may be will be disappointed that it is not Christmas cookies.  Maybe he will get cookies for his birthday.  I hope my new children will  understand and appreciate the history and love associated with this gift.

What traditions do you continue in your families?

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Bucket List


This past weekend I spent time with a long time (over 50 years) dear friend.  She is dying.  She has just made the tortuous decision to stop treatment and let nature take its course.  She is starting to make plans for her funeral service.  I think she is mostly at peace with her decision.

It may be too late for her to have a Bucket List—all the things you want to do before you die, but it made me think of what I want in my bucket.  Most of all, I want time.  Time to enjoy life without having to go to work day in and day out.  Time to enjoy the grandchildren I hope to have someday.  Time to enjoy the family and friends already in my life.  Time to dig in my garden.  Time to make quilts, and knit, and refinish furniture.  Time to travel  to unseen places and return to places I already know and enjoy.   Time.

What is on your bucket list?

A toast to our missing friend who could not attend my daughter’s wedding because she was

doing chemo.

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Willing victims

I love to knit.  I love to knit for babies and children.  But, my 4 kids are adults and they have not given me any grandchildren yet (are you listening kids? you know who you are). So, I have to find little “victims” to give my knitted wonders to.

These two beautiful babies wearing my handiwork on their heads are Aaron and Chloe.  Their mother, Sarah is a life long friend of my daughter April.  Sarah and April were born 6 weeks apart 30 years ago.  Sarah assures me that Aaron and Chloe actually want to wear the hats and that she did not force them on their heads just for the picture and for my benefit.

This makes my heart happy.  AND gives me more reason to bring out the yarn and needles and get to work on more knitted apparel.

Happy Knitting!

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